Alley to Gallery

Creating diverse cultural assets, useful connections, and encourage healthy interactions with environment.

creative placemaking    Cultural Programming   

Convert Alleyways to Outdoor Art Galleries and connect neighborhoods

Alley to Gallery is a CLRTY Collective Impact Network project. The Collective Impact Network brings together marketing strategies to connect small businesses, non-profit organizations, and community impact projects. Collective impact projects are collaborative initiatives that produce measurable data on improved quality of life. Utilizing placemaking studies that revolve around the impact of the way people interact and connect, our connected network of impact projects encourage collaboration and inspiration in our community, while also solving aesthetic and infrastructure problems through creative problem solving and design thinking.

One of our kick-off programs is the Alley-to-Gallery initiative which works with neighborhood residents, engineers, architects, and artists to re-imagine alleyways within the city limits of Tampa, producing a connected network of bike-able, walkable and aesthetically pleasing spaces that are collectively managed and maintained.

The goals of this program produce more connected communities, safer environments, and encourage new ways to get around in our neighborhoods to do business on foot, or bike. Paired with CLRTY’s consulting work around walk-scores and bike-ability, we also will encourage new developments to utilize alley spaces in a creative way. This may include creating micro-retail opportunities in mix-use developments that are accessible through an alleyway.

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